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Nato nel 1865, il museo ospita importanti opere di scultura e arti minori tra le quali spiccano i nomi di Donatello, Della Robbia, Cellini, Giambologna, Michelangelo. Gli oggetti, provenienti dalle collezioni medicee e da donazioni private, sono allestite in una sala al piano terra e in alcune sale al piano primo, raggiungibile con una splendida scala affacciata sul cortile duecentesco
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Bargello Museum Tickets
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Bargello Museum,
Bargello Museum Tickets,
Validity: 1 day,
Mobile Ticket,
Priority access,
Photos without flash,
Audioguide available,
What to expect
See famous Renaissance Tuscan sculptures like the Tondo Pitti by Michelangelo, the David of Donatello and many others,
Skip the line and don't waste your time,
Once entered, spend inside the museum all the time you want,
The kingdom of sculpture
The Museum displays the most important collection in the world of Renaissance Tuscan sculpture, with fundamental works by Donatello, Della Robbia, Verrocchio and Michelangelo, along with a significant group of medieval French ivories, Italian majolicas and arms.
The museum is housed in the medieval Palazzo del Capitano del Popolo (or Bargello Palace), built starting from 1255 and enlarged in the 14th century, ancient residence of the Captain of the People, then of the Podestà and lastly of the Captain of Justice (called Bargello), that is the chief of the police (16th century), when the palace was transformed into a prison. The building was completely restored in order to house the Bargello National Museum, opened in 1865.
The earlier museum was dedicated to Medieval applied arts: bronzes, majolicas, statues, coins, seals and medals. Donatello's year (1887-88) was the occasion to open the Hall of Renaissance Sculpture (today called "of Donatello") and between the late 19th century and the early 20th century, the collection was further enlarged thanks to private donations and legacies (Carrand, Ressmann, Franchetti), with new ivories, enamels, arms and armours.
Today, on the ground floor of the museum, the Hall of the 16th century Sculpture displays important works by Michelangelo, Benvenuto Cellini, Jacopo Sansovino and Giambologna.
On the first floor, a balcony ("Verone"), adorned with bronze animals by Giambologna, leads to the vast Audience Hall, which houses many masterpieces by Donatello, his assistants and Luca Della Robbia, along with the famous bronze reliefs cast by Lorenzo Ghiberti and Filippo Brunelleschi in competition for the second doors of the Florentine Baptistery. On the same floor are the Islamic Room, the Carrand Room, the Chapel of Mary Magdalene, the Room of Ivories, the Medieval Room and the Majolicas Room.
On the second floor are the rooms dedicated to Giovanni and Andrea della Robbia, displaying the well-known glazed terracotta works, the Room of the Arms, the Room of Small Bronzes, the Verrocchio Room (sculptures by Andrea del Verrocchio, Mino da Fiesole, Antonio Rossellino, Benedetto da Maiano) and the Room of Medals.
Michelangelo, Bacchus, 1496-7,
Michelangelo, Tondo Pitti,1496-7,
Michelangelo, Brutus, 1496-7,
Benvenuto Cellini, Mercurio, Danae with the child Perseus, Zeus, Athena, 1545-53,
Benvenuto Cellini, Bust of Cosimo I, 1545-47,
Giambologna, Flying Mercury, 1580,
Giambologna, bronze animals, 1567,
Donatello, David, 1430-50,
Donatello, St. George, 1417,
Donatello, Bust of Niccolò da Uzzano, 1425-30,
Donatello, Atys-Amor,
Filippo Brunelleschi and Lorenzo Ghiberti, Sacrifice of Isaac, 1401,
Andrea del Verrocchio , David, 1470 approx.,
Andrea del Verrocchio, Lady with posy, 1575-80,
What is included
Entrance with priority access,
Full-time and stay much as you want,
Reservation fees,
Access to temporary exhibitions,
What is not included
Guided tour,
Audio guide,
Available options
The following options can be purchased in addition to the tickets in the booking Wizard on this website.
Audio guide: available in Italian, English, French, German, Spanish, Russian and Japanese,
Guide book: available in Italian, English, French and German,
Price reductions
Reduced/Half Ticket:
European Community citizens between 18 and 25 years old (valid identity document needed at the entrance),
Free Ticket (it is still required to pay the presale to skip the line) :
EU and not EU citizens under 18 years old (valid identity document needed at the entrance)
Temporary and permanent teachers of Italian public and private schools equipped with the appropriate documentation issued by MIUR
Any handicapped person accompanied by the certificate of disability and the escort
To remember
The ticket is valid all day until closing time of the Museum starting from entrance time.
The entrance time written on the tickets may be subject to small changes depending on the actual availability of the Museum.
For a satisfying experience it is recommended to reserve at least 2 hours to visit the Museum.
The tickets will be sent via email within 24-48 hours after purchase (on weekdays) with instructions on how to get there and what to do to enter.
We inform you that, once booked, the date and time selected are binding. Please pick up your ticket at least 15 minutes before the reserved entrance. Who does not respect the time booked will not enter. To pick up the audio guide, you need a valid ID.
The Museum has a maximum capacity of people, in some periods of the year or special days you may experience short delays or waits not dependent on the Museum or Italy Tickets.
Cosa è incluso:
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