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La Galleria, situata all’ultimo del piano del Palazzo ed allestita nelle sale un tempo residenza dei Lorena, ospita una ricca collezione di dipinti e sculture dal Settecento alla metà del Novecento, soprattutto di artisti italiani, e con un’ampia raccolta di opere dei Macchiaoli e di altri movimenti di fine Ottocento e primo Novecento
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27 Reviews
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Palatina Gallery,
Palatina Gallery Tickets,
Validity: 1 day,
Mobile Ticket,
Priority access,
Photos without flash,
Audioguide available,
What to expect
See the beautiful Palatina Gallery with masterpieces by Raphael and Titian,
Skip the line and don't waste your time,
Once entered, spend inside the museum all the time you want,
Entrance to the Modern Art Gallery,
Raphael, Titian and many others
The Gallery is called “Palatina” because it is located in the “Palazzo” of the ruling family, the imposing Pitti Palace, royal residence of the Medici, of the Lorraine and lastly of the Savoy dynasty. The collection of paintings, arranged in rooms sumptuously decorated with baroque stuccoes and frescoes, is a rare and precious example of a private princely gallery. The monumental royal apartments, joined to the gallery, show furnishings of the time when they were used by the Savoy, Kings of Italy.
In the early 19th century the Lorraine Grand Dukes decided to display the huge collection of paintings, acquired in the 17th and 18th centuries by the last Medici members, in the representative rooms on the first floor of the palace.
The collection was enlarged thanks to legacies and acquisitions at the time of the Grand Duke Cosimo III and his son Grand Prince Ferdinando, refined collector.
The museum was opened to visitors in 1828, during the reign of Leopoldo II.
The Gallery shows the taste of the Medici and of the Lorraine collections, displayed according to principles and decorations of a princely official gallery and including mainly works of the 16th and 17th centuries.
The Gallery houses the most significant collection in the world of works by Raphael, along with a rich group of Venetian works, such as many masterpieces by Titian.
It displays works by the main Italian and European artists of the 16th and 17th centuries, such as Andrea del Sarto, Rosso Fiorentino, Pontormo, Bronzino, Tintoretto, Veronese, Caravaggio, Rubens, Van Dyck, Murillo and Ribera.
Raphael, Madonna of the Grand Duke, 1504 approx.,
Raphael, Portraits of Agnolo Doni and Maddalena Strozzi, 1506 approx.,
Raphael, Portrait of a lady called "The Pregnant", 1505 approx.,
Raphael, Madonna of the Canopy, 1507 approx.,
Raphael, Portrait of Tommaso Inghirami, 1509 approx.,
Raphael, Portrait of a lady called "The Veiled", 1516 approx.,
Raphael, Madonna of the “Impannata”, 1513 approx.,
Raphael, Madonna of the Chair, 1514 approx.,
Giorgione, The Three ages of man, 1500 approx.,
Titian, Concert, 1506 approx.,
Titian, Portrait of Tommaso Mosti, 1520 approx.,
Titian, Portrait of Ippolito de' Medici, 1532 approx.,
Titian, Magdalene, 1533,
Titian, Portrait of a lady called "The Beauty", 1536,
Titian, Portrait of a gentleman with greyish eyes, 1550 approx.,
Titian, Portrait of Pietro Aretino, 1548 approx.,
Rosso Fiorentino, Dei Altarpiece, 1522,
Caravaggio, Sleeping Cupid, 1608 approx.,
Caravaggio, Portrait of a Knight of Malta, 1608 approx.,
Artemisia Gentileschi, Magdalene, 1617 approx.,
Artemisia Gentileschi, Judith, 1612 approx.,
Rubens, The Four philosopher, 1611 approx.,
Rubens, The Three Graces, 1620 approx.,
Rubens, The Consequences of the war, 1637 approx.,
A. Van Dyck, Portrait of Cardinal Bentivoglio, 1623 approx.,
Antonio Canova, Italica Venus, 1812 approx.,
What is included
Entrance with priority access,
Full-time entrance and you stay how long you want,
Reservation fees,
Access to temporary exhibitions,
Entrance to the Modern Art Gallery,
What is not included
Guided tour,
Audio guide,
Available options
The following options can be purchased in addition to the tickets in the booking Wizard on this website.
Audioguide: available in Italian, English, French, German, Spanish and Japanese,
Guide Book: available in Italian, English, French, German, Spanish, Russian and Japanese,
Price reductions
Reduced/Half Ticket:
European Community citizens between 18 and 25 years old (valid identity document needed at the entrance),
Free Ticket (it is still required to pay the presale to skip the line) :
EU and not EU citizens under 18 years old (valid identity document needed at the entrance)
Temporary and permanent teachers of Italian public and private schools equipped with the appropriate documentation issued by MIUR
Any handicapped person accompanied by the certificate of disability and the escort
To remember
The ticket is valid all day until closing time of the Gallery starting from entrance time.
The entrance time written on the tickets may be subject to small changes depending on the actual availability of the Gallery.
For a satisfying experience it is recommended to reserve at least 2 hours to visit the Gallery.
The tickets will be sent via email within 24-48 hours after purchase (on weekdays) with instructions on how to get there and what to do to enter.
We inform you that, once booked, the date and time selected are binding. Please pick up your ticket at least 15 minutes before the reserved entrance. Who does not respect the time booked will not enter. To pick up the audio guide, you need a valid ID.
The Gallery has a maximum capacity of people, in some periods of the year or special days you may experience short delays or waits not dependent on the Gallery or Italy Tickets.
According to Museum provisions, groups starting from eight people (guide included) will be obliged to wear headphones.
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